Designer Bags
Rapp Auctions offers an exquisite selection of designer bags. The range includes fine, sought-after bags by Hermès, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Céline, Gucci, Marc Jacobs and more. With around 50 years of history in the auction business and a network of clients that spans the globe, Rapp Auctions is able to offer select, exquisite items in this field on a regular basis.
The items on offer are very diverse, with fine, carefully selected designer bags in every price range. For designer bags, we hold both traditional hall auctions and Rapp Online Only auctions.
Are you looking to sell Designer Bags?
We will be happy to appraise your pieces and submit a proposal for the best possible auction sale. For an initial assessment of your objects, please use our consignment forms or simply write to us via WhatsApp.
Consignment Form
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