Gemstone adventure

We cordially invite you to a little journey into the world of gemstones with our gemstone expert, Dr Fabian Schmitz. Mineralogist and gemologist Dr Fabian Schmitz tells us about the adventure of gemstones. He shows us what lies behind the millennia-old phenomenon of the gemstone and takes us on an adventurous journey from the mining of gemstones to the finished piece of jewellery.

Gain personal insights into the exciting profession of Dr Fabian Schmitz and experience the fascination of gemstones at first hand.



23 March 2023 | 18:30 – approx. 19:30 hrs,
followed by an aperitif
Auktionshaus Rapp – Collectors Lounge,  
Toggenburgerstrasse 139, 9500 Wil

Registration by phone 0041 71 923 77 44 or e-mail (limited number of places).



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